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Greece and the economic crisis 2021

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2021

November 9, 2021

Unvaccinated workers and fines and fees

Story at Naftemporiki [Greek]

Cyberware and the Ministry of Defense

Story at Skai [Greek]

Schedule for beneficiaries of Minimum Guaranteed Income to be paid twice in December

Story at Imerisia [Greek]

Pandemic case count at 801,208

A daily change of + 1.1% - numbers at Naftemporiki [Greek]

PNO Seamen's strike closes down ferries for 48 hours

Story at Keep Talking Greece [English]

Video of Turkey Coast Guard guiding migrant boats to Greek waters

Story at Eleftherostypos [Greek]

Prosecutors launch extensive investigation into fake vaccinations

Story at Imerisia [Greek] and at Naftemporiki [Greek]

Turkey purchases another drilling ship

Story at Skai [Greek]

Greece accomplishes 2021 tourism goals, begins looking toward 2022

Story at Deutsche Welle MSN [English]

The schedule and master plan for Elliniko development

Story at Imerisia [Greek]

There could be 8,000 cases today

Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

Turkey's currency problems contributing to medicine supply issues

Story at Bloombergquint [English]

The large increase in viral load in sewage

Story at Skai [Greek]

French warship Auvergne in the East Mediterranean

Story at Keep Talking Greece [English]

Largescale irrigation projects are coming

Story at Liberal [Greek]

Greece "ideal for digital nomads"

Story at Greek Reporter [Greek]

Estimated 8,500 lives saved through vaccinations

Story at Imerazante [Greek]

13 new airspace violations by Turkish planes

Story at Protothema [English]

Italy and Greece make deal on maritime and EEZ zones

Story at Keep Talking Greece [English]

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2021


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