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Golden Visa of Greece

The Golden Visa of Greece

Last Update February 26, 2025

The investment program that allows an individual or family to migrate to Greece.

Tourism into Greece is a major industry of the country, and it is the source of a slightly different phenomenon: foreign nationals come for a visit and discover they want to move to Greece – but how? The "Golden Visa" system is a way some European countries make it relatively simple and straightforward to come and legally reside – but at a price.

The Golden Visa price changes since 2024:

Tier I areas (like Attica, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini, and the islands) the minimum costs are Euro €800,000 (was €500,000) this is defined as for properties in high-demand areas with over 3,100 inhabitants.

Tier II covers all other regions of Greece with a cost of €400,000 (up from the current €250,000) for properties of 120 square meters or more.

There is still a €250,000 Golden Visa category that pertains to investments, but not to real estate except in this fashion: restoring historically or culturally significant properties and converting commercial properties into residential housing.

Official Greek gov't pages:

Migration to Greece/Golden Visa [Greek]

Ministry of Migration and Asylum [English]

An alternative to the Golden Visa program is a Financially Independent Person (FIP) Visa. August 2024 story on this at Forbes. To read more about the FIP Visa see this section.

17,766 Golden Visa applications 2023-2024

February 13, 2025 One in ten real estate sales from Golden Visa - Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

How to get a Golden Visa

October 23, 2024 Story at UK The Times [English]

Golden Visa demand jumps upward from Middle East instability

October 14, 2024 Story at Imerisia [Greek]

The changing (and ending) of the Golden Visa in EuropeEuroweeklynews

June 8, 2024

Italy, Greece, Malta and Hungary are changing their plans while Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands have ended theirs. The Greek Golden Visa plan doesn't currently require actual residency in Greece while holding a "Golden Visa."

Taverna Restaurant in Greece

The August 31 change to Greece's Golden Visa Program and the cost increase for real estate purchases

June 1, 2024: Story at Asian News International [English]

Southern Europe Golden Visa era coming to an end?

"Foreign investment has led to skyrocketing housing costs."

May 9, 2024: Story at Businesss Insider [English]

The most attractive migration schemes in 2024

A discussion of the residency and long-term investment/residency programs in the countries Malta, Portugal, Greece, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and Spain. Story at BusinessdayMarch 2024

The massive cost change in Greece's Golden Visa program in 2024VOA News

March 2024: A leap to over $800K in costs for the "Golden Visa" is only applied to certain high-in-demand locations within Greece.

Greece has one of the last Golden Visa programs, and it is changing

February 25, 2024: Story at Africa News [English]

Investment fee for Golden Visa going up to €800,000 for certain areas

February 9, 2024: Story at Reuters [English]

Greece has announced new measures to protect locals from a deluge of mainly Chinese nationals purchasing homes and property in exchange for residency rights in the West — what is commonly known as a “Golden Visa” scheme. – VOA News Feb 2024

Mitsotakis talks about upping cost on Golden Visa, solving student housing, and more

In particular Mitsotakis mentions the proposal of Nikos Androulakis to link the Golden Visa status to owner-occupancy

February 12, 2024: Story at Protothema [Greek]

The "new" Golden Visa changes from €250,000 to €500,000

August 18, 2023: Story at Forbes [English]

Despite efforts to shut down "Golden Visas" in Europe, demand continues

August 16, 2023: Story at BizNews [English]

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Greece's Golden Visa program
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