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Moving to Greece

Living in Greece Information

Last Update November 13, 2024

The Greek system of Golden Visa was begun in 2013 and Greece's application time line is considered particularly fast, with an average of 60 days for application approval with the €250,000 up to €800,000 real estate investment fee. There has been growing pressure from the EC European Commission for countries of Europe to end the "Golden Visa" programs.

Related: Real Estate in Greece

Related: The Golden Visa in Greece

Golden Visa Programs in Europe

Serious security concerns in the EU about Golden Visa programs linked to abuse by organized crime and tax evadersEuroWeekly News July 19, 2023

Portugal has been a top destinations for high-profile US investors but the program's untenable situation is causing Americans to turn to Greece with an increase of 740% in applications.

Information Pages:

VISA Page at the Greek Government Website (in Greek. Use Google Translate to convert to another language.)

The Greek FIP Visa

A Greek FIP Visa refers to a Facilitated Immigration Process (FIP) visa. This type of visa is part of Greece's efforts to streamline the process for certain individuals who want to reside or work in Greece. The FIP visa is often issued to specific categories of people based on professional or economic criteria, including investors, digital nomads, or retirees from other countries.

Key Aspects of a Greek FIP Visa

Purpose: The FIP visa is designed to facilitate the entry and stay of individuals who contribute to the Greek economy or bring certain expertise or skills.


Investors: Those investing a specified amount in Greek real estate or businesses.
Digital Nomads: People working remotely who choose Greece as a base for an extended period.
Retirees: People who meet financial stability requirements and want to retire in Greece.
Application Process: Applicants must provide documentation supporting their eligibility (e.g., proof of investment, income, or remote work) and apply through Greek consulates or embassies.

Duration and Renewal: The visa usually grants temporary residency with options for renewal or even pathways to permanent residency.

Who chooses the FIP Visa?
The FIP visa offers a simplified path to residing in Greece, particularly appealing for individuals looking to live, work, or retire in the country. It’s part of Greece’s broader initiative to attract foreign investment and skilled professionals to support its economy.

The specific requirements and eligibility criteria can vary, you must consult a Greek consulate for detailed guidelines.

Media Articles:

Writers who fall in love with Greece

"Ready to quit your job, move abroad and write a book? Go to Greece"

June 2, 2024: Story at Sydney Morning Herald [English]

Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis announced that unemployment in Greece had reached its lowest level in 15 years

May 23, 2024: Story at Protothema [Greek]

Golden Visa program produces €5 billion in "sales" in just five months

July 19, 2023: Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Jobs using English in GreeceMedia Feed MSN

Article discusses types of work available for people with English language skills (mostly jobs around the large Greek tourism industry, but there are non-tourism jobs mentioned, too). Covers basic list of legal requirements for working and residency.

The changing of the Golden Visa program

March 10, 2023: story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Golden Visa doubles to €500,000 for some areas

December 17, 2022: Story at Imerisia [Greek]

How the Golden Visa program has changed

October 10, 2022: Story at Imerisia [Greek]

Mitsotakis announces doubling of fee of "golden visa" program

September 14, 2022: Story at Keep Talking Greece [English]

Some "Golden Visa" holders are selling properties and exiting

July 14, 2022: Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

Decline in rate of Golden Visa applications

July 16, 2022: Story at Naftemporiki [Greek]

Seven out of ten "golden visas" are for Chinese

April 23, 2022: Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Studying in Greece

March 26, 2021: Article "Want to study in Greece" Here’s why you should" at Study International

How we retired to Greece

She and her husband, Americans in their 60s, moved here without speaking Greek and only weeks after she retired from her job in Arkansas. They settled on Athens after considering Tampa, Fla., Barcelona and Venice and say it’s a great fit for what they want: easy travel and an affordable place to live.

December 3, 2020: Story at MSN News

Tax reduction benefits for foreigner workers moving to Greece

November 25, 2020: Article at Daily Hellas [in Greek]

Online Groups and Websites

Facebook Expat group in Athens - in English

XE.GR - housing, jobs, and sale item classified ads -in Greek

Living in Greece - in English - Blog which addresses many bureaucratic and practical aspects of living in Greece with personal anecdotes and some step-by-step guidance on maneuvering through problems. Hasn't been updated for years but is a wealth of helpful info.

"...this incredibly noisy and always-busy megalopolis"

August 2020 article about Athens at Dispatches Europe [English]


Embassy List

The USA Embassy in Athens Greece

UK Embassy in Athens

France Embassy in Athens

List of Embassies and Consolates

Related: Real Estate in Greece

Related: The Golden Visa in Greece

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Greece's Golden Visa program
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