Hellenic Language
Basic Greek words and phrases
NO - ochee
YES - neh
HELLO - Yahsass (to a group or formal, respectful greeting to an individual ) or; Yassou (to children or close friends)
THANK YOU - efkhateeSTO / efkhareesto (I've heard it said both ways)
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND, I ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH - THEN kataloveeno me-loh Mo-nen Angleeka
I AM SORRY - leePOOmeh
MY NAME IS - OonoMAzomeh
I DID NOT ORDER THIS - then toh parEENgeela ahf-TOH
HOW MUCH IS THE ENTRANCE FEE - poso kanee ee EEsodhos
HOW ARE YOU? - Ti Kha-nees? (INFORMAL GREETING "what's going?" or "what's happening?")
GOOD EVENING - Kalinikta
Count to Ten in Greek
One – EH-na
Two – THEE-oh
Three – TREE-uh
Four – TEH-sa-ruh
Five – PEN-deh
Six – EK-see
Seven – EF-tah
Eight – OK-toe
Nine – eh-NAY-uh
Ten – THEK-uh
Eleven – EHN-thekka
Twelve – THO-thekka
Thirteen – thekka-tria
Fourteen – thekka-TES-a-ruh
Fifteen – thekka-penday
Sixteen – thekka-EKsee
Seventeen – thekka-eftah
Eighteen – thekka-OKtoe
Nineteen – thekka-enyah
Twenty – EE-ko-see
The Greek word "παρακαλώ" (parakalo) is a versatile term with several uses in everyday language. It is derived from the verb "παρακαλώ" which literally means "to ask" or "to request".
Here are the primary meanings:
Please: When used to make a polite request, "parakalo" functions like the English "please." For example, "Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε, παρακαλώ;" means "Can you help me, please?"
You're welcome: When responding to thanks, "parakalo" is used like "you're welcome." For instance, if someone says "ευχαριστώ" (thank you), the reply might be "παρακαλώ" (you’re welcome).
Excuse me or Pardon: It can be used to get someone’s attention or to politely interrupt, similar to saying "excuse me."
I beg your pardon: In formal or polite contexts, "parakalo" can be used to express a request for clarification or to repeat something.
"Parakalo" is used as a word to express a polite verbal form for requests, gratitude, or attentiveness.
How the modern Greek language increases child's intelligence
July 2019: Story at Optimisticmommy
Vienna: where Greek first appeared in print - Neo Kosmos
November 15, 2017: Nice primer on Greek history vis-a-vis Vienna and the impact of relations via the Ottoman Empire, and afterward:
"After the Treaty of Passarowitz was signed in 1717, the borders stabilised and there was a push to reopen commerce and to begin the reconstruction of a vast area devastated by decades of war. Aside from fixing the boundaries between the two empires, a key provision was the right of Ottoman and Austrian subjects to engage in commerce in each other's realms. The Austrians lacked knowledge of the Ottoman Empire, and the Turks disdained commerce, so as a practical matter the opportunity fell on Ottoman minorities, Orthodox Greeks and Serbs, as well as Jews and Armenians."
A Greek-English Lexicon (1883) - 1901 Edition
Free download of the classic Greek and English Lexicon by George Henry Liddle
What is Greeklish?
Greeklish, a blending of words from Greek and English. Also called Grenglish, Latinoellinika, ASCII Greek. Greeklish can be the Greek language written out using a Latin alphabet.
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Amazon Greek Language Books
Living Language Greek, Complete Edition – Beginner through advanced course, including 3 coursebooks, 9 audio CDs, and free online learning - Greek, Complete Edition is a unique multimedia course that takes you from a beginner to an advanced level in one convenient package.
Greek: An Intensive Course, 2nd Revised Edition Fordham University Press; – The first edition of this extremely popular two volume Greek text has been successfully adopted in many high schools and colleges; the organization and approach used by the authors, make it an equally effective tool for those who would enjoy learning the language on their own.
Learn to Read Greek in 5 Days – Learn to Read Greek in 5 Days teaches each letter of the Greek alphabet in a systematic way while providing enough practice along the way to ensure the student learns the entire alphabet.

Greece's Golden Visa program