Note: sometimes the Weather Widget with current conditions for Athens can take longer to load (above).
Weather in Athens, Greece
Temperatures, Humidity, African / Saharan Dust risk, Rain outlook.
Average conditions:
- Temperature: 6-13°C (43-55°F)
- Weather: Cool and often rainy
- Average Humidity: 70%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Low
- Temperature: 7-14°C (45-57°F)
- Weather: Similar to January, with occasional sunshine
- Average Humidity: 65%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Low
- Temperature: 9-17°C (48-63°F)
- Weather: Mild, increasing sunshine, less rain
- Average Humidity: 60%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Moderate
- Temperature: 12-20°C (54-68°F)
- Weather: Pleasant, mostly sunny, moderate rain
- Average Humidity: 55%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: High
- Temperature: 16-25°C (61-77°F)
- Weather: Warm, dry, lots of sunshine
- Average Humidity: 50%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: High
- Temperature: 20-30°C (68-86°F)
- Weather: Hot, dry, very sunny
- Average Humidity: 45%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Moderate
- Temperature: 23-33°C (73-91°F)
- Weather: Very hot, almost no rain, sunny
- Average Humidity: 40%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Low
- Temperature: 23-33°C (73-91°F)
- Weather: Similar to July, very hot and dry
- Average Humidity: 45%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Low
- Temperature: 20-29°C (68-84°F)
- Weather: Warm, less hot, dry, sunny
- Average Humidity: 50%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Moderate
- Temperature: 15-24°C (59-75°F)
- Weather: Mild, more rain, cooler nights
- Average Humidity: 60%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: High
- Temperature: 11-19°C (52-66°F)
- Weather: Cool, increased rain
- Average Humidity: 65%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Moderate
- Temperature: 8-15°C (46-59°F)
- Weather: Cool and rainy, similar to January
- Average Humidity: 70%
- Risk for Saharan Dust: Low
Athens experiences a Mediterranean climate with varying humidity and periodic Saharan dust intrusions, particularly in spring and fall.
Greece Weather sources:
Greece National Meteorological Service
See a chart showing average temps, rainfall count, and humidity by clicking here
The Acropolis in Athens Greece
The Acropolis - Parthenon and More
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