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February 27, 2012
Greek credit rating cut to "Selective Default" by Standard and Poor'sFebruary 21, 2012
New debt deal: Permanent EU economic monitoring missionFebruary 9, 2012
€300 Million in Pension Cuts Stall Debt Deal - "Political Theater"Unemployment now at 20.9%
February 7, 2012
More Solution Scrambles
February 1, 2012
The scramble for a solution
The Papademos government is juggling dual-talks with bond-holders and public creditors with the March tranche payment hanging in the balance. Read more
Merkel doubles-down on demand that Greece give up budget oversight to EU
Citing failure to implement agreed upon austerity measures Germany is demanding an EU appointed budget control office to directly monitor treaty obligations in Greece. Read More.
Just make deficits illegal - EU legislates reality
"Preordained failure" of the Troika Rescue Plan
Article by Yanis Varoufakis at which lambastes the maneuvers throughout the crisis in Greece. Read More

Greece's Golden Visa program