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February 27, 2012

Greek credit rating cut to "Selective Default" by Standard and Poor's

Last week Fitch downgraded Greece to "C" and Moody's announced a cut coming which will place Greece to the credit agencies lowest rating. The S&P rating moves Greece to "D".

The reasoning given for the Standard and Poor's action is the result of the use of 'collective action' which is meant to force investors holding Greek paper into the "haircut" which is a central element of the recently negotiated Trioka-led agreement. S&P will be rating the new Greek exchange bonds as "Double-C."

News on the cut : Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Forbes

More about the Troika in Greece:

The June 2011 Troika Loan Plan

"Midterm" Troika plan passes Greek Parliament - June 2011

Troika primary requirement: Reduce the size of the Greek state - Sept 2011

Questions about Troika Powers in Greece - June 2011


2011 – Creating the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) & the "PIIGS"

2017 – Another Greek Economic Crisis?

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