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The Harbor at Paxos Island

Greece and the economic crisis 2022

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2022

November 21, 2022

Athens coming to grips with the Efforts to unregulated Airbnb-style rentals tourist rentals

Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

NATO says "Russia is a terrorist state"

Story at Skai [Greek]

Energy secretary Sdoukou talks the Greek hydrocarbon deposits

Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

The five Recovery Fund projects announced by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

Story at Parapolitika [Greek]

Gov't moves to replace administration of Ark of the World NGO

Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

Judges of the Criminal Court of Thessaloniki issue report in Alkis Kampanos murder

Story at Ethnos [Greek]

Report of increasingly severe weather for Tuesday

Story at Skai [Greek] and Skai [Greek]

The digital disability card

Story at Eleftherostypos [Greek]

€4.3 billion in support measures

Story at Naftemporiki [Greek]

Tsunami warning for coastal areas due to earthquake off Crete

Story at UK Mirror [English]

The 2023 Greek budget goes to Parliament on Monday, first to be drafted outside of European surveillance

Story at Greek City Times [English]

Earthquake tremor on Crete

Story at Ethnos [Greek]

Tibetan and Hong Kong protest message placed by two students on Acropolis scaffolding

Story at Greek City Times [English]

The continuing controversy around FM Dendias trip to Libya

Story at IN GR [Greek] [Greek]

Turkey's role in Russia's expanding energy sales to Asia

Story at Imerisia [Greek]

TESLA store opening in Athens

Story at Protothema [English]

Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos has ordered an inquiry into the charges against Father Antonios

Story at Greek City Times [English]

Night time colors over Athens Greece

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2022


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