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Greece and the economic crisis 2022

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2022

November 20, 2022

Tornado damage on Pyrgos

Story at IN GR [Greek] [Greek] [Map of Pyrgos Greece]

€606 million to be paid out next week to over 1 million beneficiaries

Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Special meeting tomorrow with Mitsotakis over the World Ark scandal

Story at Athina984 [Greek]

Wall Street and "Black Friday"

Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Rain and African dust

Weather at IN GR [Greek]

Soccer World Cup started today in Qatar

Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

The treasures of Greece caught up between preservation and tourism

Story at Malay Mail [English]

European attitudes are changing concerning USA and China

Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

This World Cup ever the most expensive yet held

Story at OT Financial Post [Greek]

Turkey's retaliation air strikes into Syria

Story at Iefimerida [Greek]

The important match in Budapest for the national team

Story at IN GR [Greek]

The hydrocarben explorations by Greece

Story at Skai [Greek]

The continuing Ark of the World NGO scandal

Story at IN GR [Greek]

2023 State budget debated in parliament on Monday

Story at Imerisia [Greek]

New €2 billion support programs coming

Story at Eleftherostypos [Greek]

Giorgos Karagiannis has died

Story at IN GR [Greek]

Russian effort to wear down the Ukrainian air defenses

Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

Robot carves copy of Parthenon horse sculpture

Story at Reuters [English]

NEWS ARCHIVE - November 2022


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