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Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 1920

Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 1920

June 1920

"Statliest of All. Imposing and stately the old Parthenon still frowns down from its seat of honor upon the Acropolis, battered and wrecked by time but still the most magnificent monument of ancient art. No other building in the world approaches it for beauty. It is the first spot sought by tourists in the modern Athens and everyone gathers to pay homage to bygone ages at its portals. Just beneath the old hill which once marked the splendor of the Grecian empire today are the crowded districts of the modern city. In those sections the American Red Cross has brought a new idea by opening baby clinics and welfare stations where children are treated and mothers taught the proper care of babies"

Repository Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA

Historical Photos

Greece History

The monument of Lyskrates in Athens 1900

Hekatompedon vs Parthenon

The choragic monument of Lysicrates in Athens

Lysikrates monument in Athens 1907

Parthenon 1920

Greek Chapel 1917

Street Scene Athens Greece Dec. 1919

Historical information

1914 Anglo-Hellenic Book List

UNESCO Greek Heritage Sites

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