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Turkey and Greece

Last update August 3, 2024

The historical relationship of Turkey and Greece is fraught with conflict, and the present era reflects this in the motions of diplomacy and the movements of military naval craft in the Aegean and the East Mediterranean. Between the two is not only this heavily-laden past, but the ongoing crisis of the status of a third country altogether: Cyprus.

Be sure to see: Visiting Greece


Closed down hotels in Turkey with visitors swarming instead to Greece

August 3, 2024: Story at UK Express [English]

"Soft provacations" from Turkey

August 22, 2023: Story at Skai [Greek]

Erdogan under attack for "caving" to Sweden

July 11, 2023:Story at Capital [Greek]

Is NATO getting ready to expel Turkey?

July 10, 2022: Story at IN GR [Greek]

Confidence that F16 sale to Turkey will be stopped by US Congress

July 11, 2022: Story at Kathimerini [Greek]

Athens responds to Turkish map showing Crete and Eastern Aegean belonging to Turkey

July 11, 2022:Story at Ethnos [Greek] and at Protothema [English]

Turkish currency has drastic value drop

June 8, 2022:Story at Capital [Greek]

Upset in Turkey over Friendship Forum

Feb 18, 2021:Story to eKathimerini [English]

Foriegn Ministry sends protest to Turkey over March NAVTEX

Feb 18, 2021:Story at eKathimerini [English]

Turkey accuses Greece of violating Lausanne Treaty

Dec 9, 2021:Story at Protothema [Greek]

Turkey becoming more isolated

Feb 6, 2020:Story at Liberal [Greek]

The growing pressure on Turkey

A request for F16 fighter planes by Erdogan has prompted a "No Jets for Turkey" campaign by pressure groups around DC, on the heals of the unique France-Greece deal:

The dramatic Paris agreement also included a clause for mutual assistance in case of an armed attack against the territory of one of the two. “For the first time it is stipulated that there be military assistance in the event of a third party attacking one of the two states. And we all know who is threatening whom with a casus belli in the Mediterranean,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said following the deal. He was hinting that the unprecedented France-Greece deal was aiming to deprive Turkey of strategic dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean. The deal came at an unfortunate time for Erdogan. Germany, which has sponsored Turkish naval supremacy in the Aegean, was preoccupied with its elections...

October 13, 2021: Story at al-monitor [English]

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