Greece news 2023
NEWS ARCHIVE - June 2023
June 1, 2023
Immunity removed for Greek MEP Alexis Georgoulis and MEP Maria Spyraki
Story at eKathimerini [English]
Anger about Albania decision to extend detention of Beleris
Story at Skai [Greek]
Lifeguards return to the beaches
Story at Imerazante [Greek]
The controversy around the Theatre of Rocks in Kopanas
Story at Ethnos [Greek]
The few Greeks who are privately insured
Story at Naftemporiki [Greek]
New arrests in the Colonos rape case
Story at Protothema [Greek]
New tourism record coming?
Story at Iefimerida [Greek]
Erdogan "everyone admires Turkey's democracy"
Story at Skai [Greek]
Greek doctors coming back to Greece
Story at Naftemporiki [Greek]
NEWS ARCHIVE - June 2023
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