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The Acropolis in Athens - side view with wall along mount

NEWS ARCHIVE - July 2014

July 26, 2014

Tension of concessions versus fulfilment between troika and Greece - eKathimerini

July 24, 2014

Mediterranean "boat people" numbers soar - Reuters

July 23, 2014

140 Thousand Greek Professionals Migrated Abroad - Greek Reporter
National Bank of Greece gets okay for restructuring - Reuters

July 18, 2014

Greece Seen Needing Third Bailout as Bonds Insufficient - Businessweek

Beauty of Greece Dazzles from Space - Livescience

Live Science

"Taken from the International Space Station, this photograph snapped on March 21 shows a cloud-free view of most of Greece. "

Greece ranked between Palestianian and Pakistanis for anti-Americanism - Pew Research

Greece Among Top 10 Anti-American Countries - Greek Reporter

July 14, 2014

3-Year Bond offering coming - NY Times

Paid TV subscribers doubles in Greece - Greek Reporter

Greek stock market's first IPO since 2009 draws mixed reception

Ellinikon the Ghost Airport - News Com Au

July 13, 2014

Debt 'time-bomb' in Greece - Malaysion Times

July 9, 2014

The Strength of Greek Passport - The Greek Reporter

Dismal Demographics of Greece - NY Times

Dec 9, 2013 Dismal Demographics of Greece - NY Times


"The Greeks are in a struggle for survival. And the odds are piling up against us ...Deaths are outnumbering births, people are leaving the country, and the population is aging so fast that in a few decades Greece may be unable to produce enough wealth to take care of its people..."

The anaylsis at the NY Times shows that the chief problem is that the aged population is now outnumbering working age people in many villages, and the problem is only due to get worse.

More at Demographics of Greece

July 8, 2014

The Privatization of Greece’s Postal Service Is Under Way - Bloomberg

July 4, 2014

Power shortages as electrical workers strike - Reuters

Tourism booming in Greece again - Gulf News

Greece's Next Bailout Loan Installment Approved - ABC News

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Acropolis Dusk into Night

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