May 14, 2012
Tsipras won't budge
Though heavily critiqued from the obvious quarters (PASOK and New Democracy) and even from others, such as more natural coalition partners like the Democratic Left (Dimar), Tsipras seems certain that the eurozone will bend backwards even further to keep Greece in the EU, and that new elections in June will consolidate even further gains into the Greek parliament, where from the elections on May 6 Tsipras' Syriza party won 16%, only behind New Democracy in vote totals. A new vote could put Syriza out ahead of ND, perhaps even gaining enough of a majority vote to not require a coalition with ND or PASOK at all.
The deadline for formation of a new government is May 17, in which case a new election in June will be initiated automatically.
Most comments I have read say that PASOK and New Democracy dread new elections as it will almost certainly erode even further their thinning power within Greek politics.

Greece's Golden Visa program