May 9, 2012
Another election likely in June
Results from the May 6 election are quite convoluted, and the only way to continue using the May 6 results are if leaders of PASOK, New Democracy and the Alexis Tsipras of Syriza can agree on a platform for going forward with a coalition government. Since Tsipras has been advocating tearing up the austerity agreements that have been such a heavy part of Greek life since the advent of the serial bailouts from the eurozone which began in 2009, such a coalition seems unlikely.
News outlets are cropping up with new stories on a Greek exit from the eurozone, which by now has become boilerplate from so many crisis over the last years. But there is a new twist in that Tsipras has been aggressively pushing for Samaras of New Democracy and Venizelos of PASOK to notify the EU and IMF that the new election results have voided all prior agreements. Samaras response is that Tsipras is calling for the destruction of Greece.
If new elections are slated for June, it will require Greek voters to back either the existing painful labor of austerity with New Democracy, or to push toward a radical departure into uncharted avenues under Tsipras' Syriza.

Greece's Golden Visa program